Primary motor cortex | Laterally, this included cortex in the anterior bank of the central sulcus plus half of the precentral gyrus. Medially, this region included the anterior bank of the central sulcus. Both lateral and medial parts of this region extended from the dorsal surface of the brain to the level of cingulate sulcus.
Sensory cortex | Included SI and SII. SI was defined as the posterior bank of central sulcus plus postcentral gyrus, from the dorsal surface of the brain to the lateral fissure. SII was defined as the superior bank of lateral fissure posterior to the posterior edge of postcentral gyrus.
Occipital cortex | Was defined as the lateral cortex posterior to anterior occipital sulcus and the temporo-occipital incisure, bordered superiorly by a line from the parietal-occipital fissure to the lateral fissure and the medial cortex inferior to the parietal-occipital fissure and posterior to a line from the temporal incisure to the posterior commissure. The optic tract, where visible, was also included with the occipital lobe in this target mask.
Pre-frontal cortex | Was defined as the lateral and orbital cortex anterior to the inferior and superior precentral sulci, from the dorsal to the orbital brain surface. Medially, this region included the cortex superior to the cingulate sulcus, anterior to the vertical line from the anterior commissure, perpendicular to the plane between the anterior and posterior commissures (VAC) and also the cingulate gyrus, from its anterior edge to the level of the central sulcus.
Pre-motor cortex | Included SMA and PMC. Laterally, this included cortex anterior to the primary motor cortex up to and including both banks of the inferior and superior precentral sulci. Medially, this region included cortex anterior to the primary motor cortex up to the VAC line. Both lateral and medial parts of this region extended from the dorsal surface of the brain to the level of cingulate sulcus.
Posterior parietal cortex | Was defined as the lateral cortex posterior to postcentral gyrus, bordered posteriorly and inferiorly by a line from the posterior-occipital fissure to the lateral fissure. Medially, posterior parietal cortex included regions posterior to the postcentral gyrus, bordered posteriorly by the parietal-occipital fissure and inferiorly by the cingulate gyrus.
Temporal cortex | Was defined as the lateral cortex inferior to the lateral fissure, bordered posteriorly by the temporo-occipital incisure where visible, or the anterior occipital sulcus. Medially, the temporal lobe was defined as the cortex anterior to a line from the temporal incisure to the posterior commissure