Attachment ''


File Name                                            Modified              Size
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extras/csfmask.nii.gz                          2013-04-03 17:17:26          782
Instructions.pdf                               2013-09-23 10:58:46       134835
__MACOSX/._Instructions.pdf                    2013-09-23 10:58:46           82
rawdata/                                       2013-08-27 13:54:54            0
rawdata/.DS_Store                              2013-08-27 13:54:54         6148
__MACOSX/rawdata/                              2013-09-23 15:36:06            0
__MACOSX/rawdata/._.DS_Store                   2013-08-27 13:54:54           82
rawdata/calibbody.nii.gz                       2013-03-28 16:18:48       428104
rawdata/calibhead.nii.gz                       2013-03-28 16:18:28       397207
rawdata/mti_data.nii.gz                        2013-04-11 11:19:46     12215804
rawdata/sti_data.nii.gz                        2013-04-11 11:19:46     12271872
rawdata/struct.nii.gz                          2013-03-28 16:17:58      6830931

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