Version 3.0.0 ============= Re-written installer: * Able to request specific versions of FSL * Download source code and FEEDS with the installer * Adds version specific post install processing * Major clean up of source code Version 2.0.22 ============== New features: * Centos 7 changed to supported platform (continues to use the Centos 6 binaries) * Warning on Centos 7 to install libpng12 and libmng for FSLView support Version 2.0.21 ============== New features: * OS X 10.11 changed to supported platform * macOS 10.12 added as an unsupported platform Version 2.0.20 ============== New features: * Installation allowed on OS X 10.11 Version 2.0.19 ============== Bugs fixed: * Corrected error handler when unable to save new installer version to the existing FSL install location. Version 2.0.18 ============== Bugs fixed: * Corrected error handler when connection to the FSL website times out. Version 2.0.17 ============== New features: * Reworked unsupported OS handling * Installation allowed on OS X 10.10 Version 2.0.16 ============== Bugs fixed: * Corrected check for Centos/RHEL 7 to prevent inadvertant warnings on Centos 6. Version 2.0.15 ============== New features: * Will allow installation on Centos/RHEL 7 using the Centos 6 binaries. This isn't full support, for example, additional software may need to be installed (eg libmng, libpng12) Version 2.0.14 ============== Bugs fixed: * Error reporting on older python releases fixed Version 2.0.13 ============== New features: * Will allow installation on Fedora using the Centos 6 binaries. This isn't full support, for example, additional software may need to be installed (eg libpng-compat Version 2.0.12 ============== New features: * Support OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) Version 2.0.11 ============== Bugs fixed: * Work arounds for NFS funnies when handling temporary files New features: * Download auto-resumes on failure (for example VM guests suffering from a network hangup on large file downloads) Version 2.0.10 ============== Bugs fixed: * Typo in debug messages * Extra debug output * Fixed handling of pre-existing symlinks in /Applications folder * Fixed behaviour when a corrupt old FSL install is found in the install location Version 2.0.9 ============= Bugs fixed: * Error handling when shell name is not recognised Version 2.0.8 ============= New features: * Improved error handling when downloading files * Extra debug messages in fastest mirror code Version 2.0.7 ============= New features: * Added support for 'hotfix' version number * Added hidden option to allow testing of installer Version 2.0.6 ============= Bugs fixed: * Fixed error reporting code * Added code to allow debugging of rare networking issue New features: * Validates the FSLDIR environment variable to allow installer to repair miss-configured environment Version 2.0.5 ============= Bugs fixed: * Indent errors Version 2.0.4 ============= Bugs fixed: * Correctly identifies Fedora and refuses to install * Doesn't crash when checking for new FSL releases Version 2.0.3 ============= Bugs fixed: * If a .bash_profile/.cshrc file needs to be created it doesn't add new lines after each entry Version 2.0.2 ============= UNRELEASED Bugs fixed: * Installer incorrectly allows relative paths to be specified - now checks for and refuses to install to these paths Version 2.0.1 ============= Bugs fixed: * Failed to delete temporary folder created in install location (looks like fsl-XXXXXX.XXXXXX) * Fails to setup MATLAB environment on OS X * Fails to create /Applications links for FSLView on OS X * Ingores install into folders other than /usr/local (the default) * Crash if install folder doesn't exist and needs to be created by a superuser * Crash when trying to report that it cannot contact FSL website * NamedTemporaryFile lacks a 'delete' option on Python 2.4 * Urllib2.urlopen lacks a 'timeout' option on Python 2.4 * OS detection broken on Python 2.4 * Various Red Hat Linux variants were not recognised correcly on Python 2.6 * Crashes if .bash_profile doesn't exist * Python bug when install on an OS X machine where the user's home folder is on an NFS share * Fails to install new version into the FSLDIR when self update completes and FSLDIR owned by superuser Version 2.0.0 ============= * New release written in Python * Downloads correct FSL version for your OS, verifies and installs, setting up your environment * Supports updating of installer should bug fixes be released