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Editor: SteveSmith
Revision 26 as of 14:43:59 05-02-2017
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Editor: SteveSmith
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= Overview - FMRIB's ICA-based Xnoiseifier - FIX v0.5 = = Overview - FMRIB's ICA-based Xnoiseifier - FIX v1.063 beta =
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FIX attempts to auto-classify ICA components into "good" vs "bad" components, so that the bad components can be removed from the 4D FMRI data. This beta-version of FIX is a set of R, MATLAB and shell scripts and hence requires you to have various other software than just FSL - and for now is not bundled as part of FSL. FIX attempts to auto-classify ICA components into "good" vs "bad" components, so that the bad components can be removed from the 4D FMRI data. FIX is intended to be run on single-session [[MELODIC]] ICA output. See [[http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/analysis/FIX-training/fix_eg.html|example raw data movies]] showing the (potentially huge) effect of FIX cleanup. This beta-version of FIX is a set of R, MATLAB and shell scripts and hence requires you to have various other software than just FSL - and for now is not bundled as part of FSL. If you use FIX, please cite these papers:
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FIX is intended to be run on single-session [[MELODIC]] ICA output. {{{#!wiki references
[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24389422|1.]] G. Salimi-Khorshidi, G. Douaud, C.F. Beckmann, M.F. Glasser, L. Griffanti S.M. Smith. Automatic denoising of functional MRI data: Combining independent component analysis and hierarchical fusion of classifiers. !NeuroImage, 90:449-68, 2014
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= Installing FIX =
[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24657355|2.]] L. Griffanti, G. Salimi-Khorshidi, C.F. Beckmann, E.J. Auerbach, G. Douaud, C.E. Sexton, E. Zsoldos, K. Ebmeier, N. Filippini, C.E. Mackay, S. Moeller, J.G. Xu, E. Yacoub, G. Baselli, K. Ugurbil, K.L. Miller, and S.M. Smith. ICA-based artefact removal and accelerated fMRI acquisition for improved resting state network imaging. !NeuroImage, 95:232-47, 2014
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 * [[http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl|FSL]]
 * MATLAB, with official toolboxes:
   * Statistics
   * Signal Processing
 * [[http://www.r-project.org/|R]] free statistics software
The latest version (1.06) can now be run without MATLAB, using either the supplied precompiled-matlab binaries, or with Octave. The other change from v1.05 is a change in the top-level meta-classifier, which gives a tiny average improvement in classification accuracy. There is no need to rerun feature generation from v1.05 for use in v1.06, but the old trained-weights files cannot be used with v1.06 (and any custom trained-weights files will need regenerating). (Minor updates: v1.061 has a tiny change from 1.06, in that it can work with the newest flavours of R that had started to create problems for 1.06. 1.061 can be used with features from 1.05-1.06 and training files from 1.06. v1.062 has a couple of minor changes to matlab code that means that near-rank-deficiency across the cleanup timeseries is more robustly handled. v1.063 has a couple of minor bugfixes in matlab code.)
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Setup FIX:
 * Unpack [[http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/~steve/ftp/fix.tar.gz|FIX]] with {{{tar xvfz fix.tar.gz}}} (or {{{tar xvf fix.tar}}} if your browser has already uncompressed the file).
 * See the {{{README}}} file for further setup instructions
For FIX to work well, it is very important that it is run using good "training data". While a few example trained-weights files are supplied with FIX, for major studies we would strongly recommend training FIX on your own study data (see details in the User Guide section). You can find example training-input data, including our hand-labellings, [[http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/analysis/FIX-training|here]] (note that you do not need this example training-input data in order to run FIX; you just need the download linked in the User Guide - Downloading and Installing FIX section) , which includes several trained-weights files).
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= Running FIX =

To run: use the script "fix" in the FIX directory, e.g.:

/home/steve/fix0.3/fix YOURFEAT.feat /home/steve/fix0.3/Standard.RData 20

You need to feed in a full "first-level" (single-session) output
directory created by the MELODIC or FEAT GUIs, with full registration
run, including using a structural. If using FEAT, you need to have had
ICA turned on in the {{{Prestats}}}. For the ICA you should in general use
automatic dimensionality estimation.

The {{{20}}} refers to the thresholding of good vs bad components, and is
generally a sensible default.

It is recommended that you look at the ICA components yourself to
check at least a few of your subjects' classifications - look in the
file called something like fix4melview_Standard_thr20.txt - the final
line lists the components that are considered as noise to be removed
(with counting starting at 1 not 0).

When running fix as shown above, you will end up with a cleaned version of the 4D preprocessed FMRI data: {{{filtered_func_data_clean.nii.gz}}}.

If you have a compute cluster you can send the whole command to the cluster
by preceding it with something like {{{fsl_sub -q long.q ... }}} (Although, if
you are using fix to train the classifier and run leave-one-out
testing, we recommend that you run fix locally, if your local computer is able to
submit jobs to your cluster, as it will do this for you, parallelising
the LOO, and greatly speeding it up.)

== Training data ==

FIX needs to be trained from multiple datasets that have already had
the ICA components classified into "good" and "bad" by hand. We have so far hand-trained 3 different types of data, and the training file from each of these is supplied with FIX. If you
want to train FIX yourself, to possibly better optimise it for the kind of data you
have, you will need to do this hand classification yourself (at
''least'' 10 subjects); alternatively, you can use one of the training
{{{*.RData}}} files supplied with FIX.

There are currently three training-dataset-files supplied:
 * {{{HCP_noHP.RData}}} - for use on HCP-like datasets with minimal highpass filtering in the preprocessing; e.g., TR=0.8-1.3s, Resolution=2x2x2mm, Session=10-15mins, no spatial smoothing, only linear trend removal for the temporal filtering.
 * {{{HCP_hp100.RData}}} - for use on HCP-like datasets with more typical highpass filtering in the preprocessing; e.g., TR=0.8-1.3s, Resolution=2x2x2mm, Session=10-15mins, no spatial smoothing, highpass temporal filtering with sigma=100s (corresponding to 200s in the FEAT GUI).
 * {{{Standard.RData}}} - for use on more "standard" FMRI datasets / analyses; e.g., TR=3s, Resolution=3.5x3.5x3.5mm, Session=6mins, default FEAT preprocessing (including default spatial smoothing).

To do your own training, for each FEAT/MELODIC output directory, you will need to create a {{{hand_labels_noise.txt}}} file in the output directory. This text file should contain a single line (or, at least, should have as its final line), a list of the '''bad''' components only, with the format (for example): {{{[1, 4, 99, ... 140]}}} - note that the square brackets, and use of commas, is required. Counting starts at 1, not 0.

Once you have created all of the hand label files, you can then train the classifier (creating the training file {{{<Training>.RData}}}) using the {{{-t}}} option:

fix -t <Training> [-l] <Melodic1.ica> <Melodic2.ica> ...

If you include the {{{-l}}} option after the training output filename, a full leave-one-out test will be run; the results file that gets created at the end has a set of numbers at the end of it that tell you the true-positive-rate (proportion of "good" components correctly labelled) and the false-positive-rate (proportion of "bad" components correctly labelled) for a wide range of thresholds (see higher up in the output file for the list of thresholds tested).

== Using new training data ==

You can now use your new training file to classify components in new datasets...

fix -c <Melodic-output.ica> <Training.RData> <thresh>
  classify ICA components (<thresh> is in the range 0-100, typically 20)

...and then run the cleanup on the new data...

fix -a <Melodic-output.ica/fix4melview_TRAIN_thr.txt> [-m]
  apply cleanup using artefacts listed in the txt file to data inside the enclosing Melodic directory,
  and optionally remove motion confounds with -m)

== Input files required - in more detail ==

If you haven't done the full GUI-based MELODIC/FEAT analysis, you will need, in one directory:
  filtered_func_data.nii.gz preprocessed 4D data
  filtered_func_data.ica melodic (command-line program) full output directory
  mc/prefiltered_func_data_mcf.par motion parameters created by mcflirt (in mc subdirectory)
  mask.nii.gz valid mask relating to the 4D data
  mean_func.nii.gz temporal mean of 4D data
  reg/example_func.nii.gz example image from 4D data
  reg/highres.nii.gz brain-extracted structural
  reg/highres2example_func.mat FLIRT transform from structural to functional space
  design.fsf FEAT/MELODIC setup file; if present, determines filtering of motion paramters



Overview - FMRIB's ICA-based Xnoiseifier - FIX v1.063 beta

FIX attempts to auto-classify ICA components into "good" vs "bad" components, so that the bad components can be removed from the 4D FMRI data. FIX is intended to be run on single-session MELODIC ICA output. See example raw data movies showing the (potentially huge) effect of FIX cleanup. This beta-version of FIX is a set of R, MATLAB and shell scripts and hence requires you to have various other software than just FSL - and for now is not bundled as part of FSL. If you use FIX, please cite these papers:

1. G. Salimi-Khorshidi, G. Douaud, C.F. Beckmann, M.F. Glasser, L. Griffanti S.M. Smith. Automatic denoising of functional MRI data: Combining independent component analysis and hierarchical fusion of classifiers. NeuroImage, 90:449-68, 2014

2. L. Griffanti, G. Salimi-Khorshidi, C.F. Beckmann, E.J. Auerbach, G. Douaud, C.E. Sexton, E. Zsoldos, K. Ebmeier, N. Filippini, C.E. Mackay, S. Moeller, J.G. Xu, E. Yacoub, G. Baselli, K. Ugurbil, K.L. Miller, and S.M. Smith. ICA-based artefact removal and accelerated fMRI acquisition for improved resting state network imaging. NeuroImage, 95:232-47, 2014

The latest version (1.06) can now be run without MATLAB, using either the supplied precompiled-matlab binaries, or with Octave. The other change from v1.05 is a change in the top-level meta-classifier, which gives a tiny average improvement in classification accuracy. There is no need to rerun feature generation from v1.05 for use in v1.06, but the old trained-weights files cannot be used with v1.06 (and any custom trained-weights files will need regenerating). (Minor updates: v1.061 has a tiny change from 1.06, in that it can work with the newest flavours of R that had started to create problems for 1.06. 1.061 can be used with features from 1.05-1.06 and training files from 1.06. v1.062 has a couple of minor changes to matlab code that means that near-rank-deficiency across the cleanup timeseries is more robustly handled. v1.063 has a couple of minor bugfixes in matlab code.)

For FIX to work well, it is very important that it is run using good "training data". While a few example trained-weights files are supplied with FIX, for major studies we would strongly recommend training FIX on your own study data (see details in the User Guide section). You can find example training-input data, including our hand-labellings, here (note that you do not need this example training-input data in order to run FIX; you just need the download linked in the User Guide - Downloading and Installing FIX section) , which includes several trained-weights files).

CategoryOther CategoryFIX


FIX (last edited 16:11:12 05-03-2020 by MatthewWebster)