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Revision 4 as of 12:37:22 05-08-2010
Size: 1651
Comment: Local Merge - 'FslDev'
Revision 6 as of 12:38:42 05-08-2010
Size: 1816
Comment: Local Merge - 'FslDev'
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FSL is a comprehensive library of analysis tools for FMRI, MRI and DTI brain imaging data. FSL is written mainly by members of the Analysis Group, FMRIB, Oxford, UK. FSL runs on Apple and PCs (Linux and Windows (via a Virtual Machine)), and is very easy to install. Most of the tools can be run both from the command line and as GUIs ("point-and-click" graphical user interfaces).

To quote the relevant references for FSL tools you should look in the individual tool's manual page (or the Analysis Group publications page), and also please reference the FSL overview papers: 1) M.W. Woolrich, S. Jbabdi, B. Patenaude, M. Chappell, S. Makni, T. Behrens, C. Beckmann, M. Jenkinson, S.M. Smith. Bayesian analysis of neuroimaging data in FSL. NeuroImage, 45:S173-186, 2009. 2) S.M. Smith, M. Jenkinson, M.W. Woolrich, C.F. Beckmann, T.E.J. Behrens, H. Johansen-Berg, P.R. Bannister, M. De Luca, I. Drobnjak, D.E. Flitney, R. Niazy, J. Saunders, J. Vickers, Y. Zhang, N. De Stefano, J.M. Brady, and P.M. Matthews. Advances in functional and structural MR image analysis and implementation as FSL. NeuroImage, 23(S1):208-219, 2004.

The UK EPSRC is the largest provider of funding for the FMRIB Analysis Group, and for this we are extremely grateful. We are also very grateful for significant financial support from UK MRC, UK BBSRC, GlaxoSmithKline CIC and Pfizer UK.

What's in FSL: see the list of tools.

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FSL (last edited 10:54:51 03-05-2024 by MatthewWebster)