FSL Install Script

An automated installer, fsl_installer.sh is available to carry out the installation of (or application of a patch to) FSL, configuring your environment to enable you to run FSL from your terminals.

On Mac OS platforms it will also install FSLView into /Applications and if you use Mathworks' MATLAB it will configure your startup.m file to allow you to use the FSL MATLAB functions.

fsl_installer.sh - Version 1.6 09/02/2012

Running the installer

The installer runs from within a terminal session, so you need to open a terminal:

In the terminal change to the folder containing the downloaded file and run it (for example if you downloaded to your Downloads folder):

cd ~/Desktop
sh fsl_installer.sh

Assuming that this folder also contains the FSL distribution tar file and you wish to install into /usr/local then just press Return when the installer asks a question, to accept the defaults.

Administrative privileges may be required

Installation into certain folders on your computer (eg /usr/local) may require administrative privileges. If this is the case, the installer will attempt to gain these privileges through the use of the sudo command, which will require you to enter your password for verification. If you don't have any rights to use sudo then the installer will fail and will need to be run as the root user. Should you install as root see the configuring your account for FSL section for details on how to use the installer to setup your user account for FSL.

Installing as root user on Linux

If you need to install as the root user, you can do this using these commands (again assuming you downloaded to the your Desktop folder):

cd ~/Desktop
su -c "sh fsl_installer.sh"

and entering the root account password. You should now configure your user account to enable FSL using the instructions in the following section.

For more information on controlling the installer, run it with the -h option.