<> = Prerequisites = FSL is normally installed by the installer script, `fslinstaller.py`, downloaded via the [[http://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsldownloads|Download page]]. Selecting some Debian/Ubuntu versions on that page will take you to the [[http://neuro.debian.net/pkgs/fsl-complete.html|Neurodebian site]] instead. As distributed, both these methods require no additional software to run. See the [[FslInstallation/Faq|FAQ]] for help with running FSL on other Linux platforms (e.g. SuSE) <> = Checking the installation = <> = Running the programs = The FSL command line tools are located in `$FSLDIR/bin`. In general command-line programs are lower case (e.g. bet); the GUI version capitalised (e.g. Bet). To bring up a simple GUI which is just a menu of the main individual FSL GUI tools, just type fsl. You are now ready to run FSL ---- = Advanced usage = == System-wide configuration == The `fslinstaller.py` script is capable of configuring Centos computers such that all user accounts can automatically use FSL without having to configure their accounts themselves. See [[FslInstallation/ShellSetup|Shell Setup]] for details. == Installing as root user on Linux == If you need to install as the `root` user, you can do this using these commands (again assuming you downloaded to the your Downloads folder): {{{#!highlight bash numbers=disable cd ~/Downloads su -c "python fslinstaller.py" }}} and entering the `root` account password. You should now configure your user account to [[FslInstallation/ShellSetup|enable FSL use]]. <>