For anyone new to FSL we recommend working through the relevant parts of the FSL course tutorial/practical exercises initially (see below).


List of individual tools' documentation pages

Glossary of acronyms and abbreviations

Data formats in FSL


FSL FAQ - answering Frequently-Asked Questions

FSL support forum - please join this for all email support regarding FSL, or just search its archives to see previous questions and answers

SGE submission FAQ - a guide to using FSL scripts and programs on an SGE-capable system

Tutorials & Training

FSL course - this contains data and self-paced practical/tutorial exercises that are an excellent way to learn how to use the tools. In addition, an intensive, hands-on course is run every year; follow the link for more information on the course as well as lecture slides, practical instructions and data for downloading.

FEEDS example data - useful for testing that the FSL installation is working, benchmarking the speed and initial playing with the tools.