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 .[[https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/topup/TopupUsersGuide#A--fout|-f <fieldmap>, --field=<fieldmap>]] <<BR>> TOPUP estimated field (in Hz). When provided, QUAD will compute a voxel displacement map.
 .[[https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FDT/UserGuide#DTIFIT|-g <bvecs>, --bvecs=<bvecs>]] <<BR>> b-vectors text file - use only when storing the EDDY residuals.
 .[[https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/eddy/UsersGuide#A--slspec|-s <slspec>, --slspec=<slspec>]] <<BR>> Text-file describing slice acquisition order.
 .`-o <output folder>, --output-dir=<output folder>` <<BR>> Output directory - default = `<eddy_output_basename>.qc`.
 .`-v, --verbose` <<BR>> When set, display debug messages.

== Output ==
 * `qc.json` <<BR>> Single subject database containing quality metrics and data info.
 * `qc.pdf` <<BR>> Single subject QC report.
 * `avg_b*.png` <<BR>> Image showing mid-sagittal, -coronal and -axial slices of each averaged b-shell volume.
 * `avg_b0_pe*.png` <<BR>> Image showing mid-sagittal, -coronal and -axial slices of each averaged pe-direction b0 volume. Generated when using the `-f` option.
 * `cnr*.png` <<BR>> Image showing mid-sagittal, -coronal and -axial slices of each b-shell CNR volume. Generated when CNR maps are available.
 * `vdm.png` <<BR>> Image showing mid-sagittal, -coronal and -axial slices of the voxel displacement map. Generated when using the `-f` option.
 * `eddy_msr.txt` <<BR>> Text file containing the volume-wise mask-averaged squared residuals. Generated when residual maps are available.
 * `vols_no_outliers.txt` <<BR>> Text file containing a list of clean volumes, based on the eddy squared residuals. To generate a version of the pre-processed dataset without outlier volumes, use:
 fslselectvols -i <eddy_corrected_data> -o eddy_corrected_data_clean --vols=vols_no_outliers.txt

= Running SQUAD =
SQUAD expects a list of single-subject QC folders generated by QUAD. The study-wise tool has been designed to allow maximum flexibility in terms of QC capabilities.
The most basic way to run `eddy_squad` after having pre-processed the dMRI dataset consists in running the following example command:
eddy_squad <quad_folders>
This will result in the creation of a new folder, called `squad`. This will contain the study-wise QC report and database.

WARNING This page is being edited in preparation for a new release

The EDDY QC tools

The EDDY QC framework consists of two different tools that automatically perform QC both at the single subject and study-wise level.

  • QUAD (QUality Assessment for DMRI) generates single subject reports and stores the quality assessment indices for each subject.

  • SQUAD (Study-wise QUality Assessment for DMRI) reads all the single subject outputs from QUAD, generates study-wise reports and, optionally, enters these into a database. Moreover, SQUAD can optionally update single subject reports, indicating how the subject’s dataset compares to other data, using either a study-specific group database or a pre-generated database obtained from a different dataset. Lastly, SQUAD also allows to report QC indices based on user-provided variables.

The tools can be called from the command line using eddy_quad and eddy_squad.

Running QUAD

QUAD expects an EDDY output basename to identify the relevant output files that have been generated according to some user-specified options. If a feature, e.g., outliers detection and replacement, was not used, the outliers-related quality metrics will not be included in the final report nor added to the single-subject database. The most basic way to run eddy_quad after having pre-processed the dMRI dataset consists in running the following example command:

eddy_quad <eddy_output_basename> -idx <eddy_index_file> -par <eddy_acqparams_file> -m <nodif_mask> -b <bvals>

This will result in the creation of a new folder, called <eddy_output_basename>.qc. This will contain the single subject QC report and database, together with the slices included in the report stored as single image files.

List of input parameters


  • qc.json
    Single subject database containing quality metrics and data info.

  • qc.pdf
    Single subject QC report.

  • avg_b*.png
    Image showing mid-sagittal, -coronal and -axial slices of each averaged b-shell volume.

  • avg_b0_pe*.png
    Image showing mid-sagittal, -coronal and -axial slices of each averaged pe-direction b0 volume. Generated when using the -f option.

  • cnr*.png
    Image showing mid-sagittal, -coronal and -axial slices of each b-shell CNR volume. Generated when CNR maps are available.

  • vdm.png
    Image showing mid-sagittal, -coronal and -axial slices of the voxel displacement map. Generated when using the -f option.

  • eddy_msr.txt
    Text file containing the volume-wise mask-averaged squared residuals. Generated when residual maps are available.

  • vols_no_outliers.txt
    Text file containing a list of clean volumes, based on the eddy squared residuals. To generate a version of the pre-processed dataset without outlier volumes, use:

     fslselectvols -i <eddy_corrected_data> -o eddy_corrected_data_clean --vols=vols_no_outliers.txt

Running SQUAD

SQUAD expects a list of single-subject QC folders generated by QUAD. The study-wise tool has been designed to allow maximum flexibility in terms of QC capabilities. The most basic way to run eddy_squad after having pre-processed the dMRI dataset consists in running the following example command:

eddy_squad <quad_folders>

This will result in the creation of a new folder, called squad. This will contain the study-wise QC report and database.


eddyqc/UsersGuide (last edited 17:16:00 16-02-2022 by MichielCottaar)