WARNING This page is being edited in preparation for a new release

The EDDY QC tools

The EDDY QC framework consists of two different tools that automatically perform QC both at the single subject and study-wise level.

The tools can be called from the command line using eddy_quad and eddy_squad.

Running QUAD

QUAD expects an EDDY output basename to identify the relevant output files that have been generated according to some user-specified options. If a feature, e.g., outliers detection and replacement, was not used, the outliers-related quality metrics will not be included in the final report nor added to the single-subject database. The most basic way to run eddy_quad after having pre-processed the dMRI dataset consists in running the following example command:

eddy_quad <eddy_output_basename> -idx <eddy_index_file> -par <eddy_acqparams_file> -m <nodif_mask> -b <bvals>

This will result in the creation of a new folder, called <eddy_output_basename>.qc. This will contain the single subject QC report and database, together with the slices included in the report stored as single image files.

List of input parameters


= Running SQUAD =