
RSS Feed   channeldata.json

linux-64   noarch   osx-64   win-32   win-64   
Package Latest Version Doc Dev License linux-64osx-64win-64noarch Summary
eddy_qc 1.0.3 X None
fsl-add_module 0.3.2 X None
fsl-get_standard 0.1.0 X None
fsl-mrs 1.1.8 X None
fsl-pyfeeds 0.9.9 dev Apache-2.0 X FSL testing framework
fsl-tirl v2.1.3b1 dev FSL XX Tensor Image Registration Library
fsl_mrs 1.1.8 X None
fsl_sub 2.6.1 X None
fsl_sub_plugin_sge 1.5.0 X None
fsl_sub_plugin_slurm 1.4.1 X None
fsleyes-plugin-mrs 0.0.1 BSD X FSLeyes plugin for viewing the NIfTI-MRS format.
fslpy 1.7.0 X None
ghalton 0.6.1 dev XX Conda recipe for ghalton
hlsvdpro 1.0.1 dev XXX Python wrapper around the HLSVDPRO library
hlsvdpropy 2.0.1 BSD X Pure Python implementation of the algorithm provided by the Fortran...
jsoncpp 0.10.6 Public XX A C++ library for interacting with JSON.
nidmresults 2.1.0 dev MIT X Read/Write NIDM-Results in Python
nidmresults-fsl 2.2.0 dev MIT X A python library to export FSL's feat results to NIDM-Results
openslide-python 1.1.1 dev XX Conda recipe for openslide-python
tirl 2.1.3b1 dev FSL XX Tensor Image Registration Library
vtk 7.0.0 BSD XX The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source, freely available...
wire 1.0.0 X None
Updated: 2021-11-24 16:11:01 +0000 - Files: 22